
Changelog API

Changelog API

4.1.2 Changelog

What's New

  • Added workaround for a too small calculated print-extent, if only one feature (or more features which are very close to each other) is passed to the Geodocument service. As a fallback, a scale of 1:500 is used in those cases (LVA-5859)
  • Added "dpi" param to control the print-result quality in the generated pdf/png file (cf documentation (LVA-5862)

Fixed issue

  • Filtering a high number of features on a clientside generated GRAPHICS_MAP_LAYER using the filter-function lacks in performance (LVA-5860)
  • Filter-Expression on a clientside generated GRAPHICS_MAP_LAYER is automagically reset if map-update (pan/zoom) was triggered (LVA-5861)
  • Fixed issue where search result-marker was included in print although searchResult param was set to false (LVA-5847)
  • Updated dev documentation

Migration guidelines

Deprecated features

Known Issues

4.1.1 Changelog

What's New

Fixed issue

  • Some minor improvement in the dev documentation

Migration guidelines

Deprecated features

Known Issues

4.0.29 Changelog

What's New

  • Added function to show/hide elements using .css classes (LVA-5521). Check the documentation for more information are try out the interactive tutorial.
  • Added function to push search results via integrationAPI subscription (LVA-5520). Check the documentation for more information and try out the interactive tutorial.

Fixed issue

  • Some minor improvement in the dev documentation
  • Fixed issue where browser http error was not correctly serialized which blocks IntegrationAPI handling.

Migration guidelines

Deprecated features

Known Issues

4.0.27 Changelog

What's New

  • Added option to pass a parameter to getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap, getMapExtentFromAllCreatedObjects and zoomToAllGraphicObjects function in order to filter the features returned by the integrationAP (LVA-5469). Cf. documentation for the concrete properties.
  • Added new documentation article how apps are/can/will be versioned (cf. docu

Fixed issue

  • Some minor improvement in the dev documentation

Migration guidelines

Deprecated features

Known Issues

4.0.26 Changelog

What's New

  • Added option to define a custom Event-Type name via apprt-Launcher definition. This is useful for DIV-integration approaches, where you can not use the default message eventType (LVA-5390). Cf. DIV integration example for further information.
  • Added option to pass an identifier param to each integrationAPI function call. This identifier will be pass through the actual mapviewer function call and will be returned in the "response"-event (LVA-5389). By using the identifier you can implement your own procedure for successive function calls (like 2..n zoomTo procedures). Cf. IntegrationAPI Event definition for more information.
  • Added option to pass options params to addGraphics function (LVA-5388). By using the options param a automatically executed zooTo behaviour can be archived (cf. addGraphics documentation)
  • Added option to set IntegrationAPI behaviour to "sync" mode. Default-mode is "async" (LVA-5387). Sync mode can be enforced either using the app-configuration or by passing the waitForIntegrationAPICall property using the apprt-Launcher approach (cf. DIV integration example for further information).

Fixed issue

  • Fixed issue that INTEGRATION_API_READY event was triggered before the mapview was initialized completely (LVA-5386)

Migration guidelines

Deprecated features

Known Issues

4.0.25 Changelog

What's New

Fixed issues

  • Fixed issue that null/undefined data-parameter was invalid. Now it is also possible to call functions without actually defining the data-parameter (e.g. for getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap where not data-param is needed) (LVA-5362)
  • Fixed issue where generateMapExport does not work for the DIV integration as getGenerateMapExport was always triggered (LVA-5362)
  • Fixed getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap if a geometry exists without a symbol definition (LVA-5362)
  • Fixed issue where setSketchUpdate was not documented correctly (LVA-5371)
  • Fixed issue where getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap returns graphics, which were created via addGraphics previously, multiple times (LVA-5370)
  • Fixed issue where INTEGRATION_API_READY was triggered before the mapview was initialized completely.
  • Fixed issue where map-export via geoDocumentService did not consider set WMS-Styles for layer (LVA-5366)
  • Fixed issue where map-export via geoDocumentService did not parse visible WMS-Layers correctly (LVA-5365)

Migration guidelines

  • Whenever you've used the setGraphicUpdate to connect to graphic-updates, please ensure that you will use the ``setSketchUpdate" to activate the listener as well as for the addEventListener part from now on

Deprecated features

  • setGraphicUpdate is deprecated; please use setSketchUpdate instead

Known Issues

4.0.24 Changelog

What's New

  • Added support for Mapfish based geodocuments (LVA-5312)
    • For development purposes: there is no need for an updated implementation/parameterization. Exporter is handled automatically.
  • Added support for Mapfish based print profiles (LVA-5313)
    • For development purposes: there is no need for an updated implementation/parameterization. Exporter is handled automatically.
  • Updated IntegrationAPI usage information for iframe and div. Added information about optional target and eventname params (cf. IntegrationAPI Function Calls - postMessage section)
  • Added some examples to the "Analysis Service" tutorial (cf. tutorial)
  • Added support for DIV Integration. This fixed the issue of circular references in events
  • Updated Integration API demo applications
  • Added Changelog information in documentation
  • Added list of available events in documentation (cf. events)
  • Added option of defining timeout for calling the analysis service.
  • Added geo_impossible event, which will be triggered, if mapviewer application is not initialized correctly (cf. events) (LVA-5342)
  • Added option of defining timeout for calling the analysis service (LVA-5346)
  • Added geo_failed_analysis event, which will be triggered, if analysis service results in an error (cf. events) (LVA-5342)

Fixed issues

  • Fixed issue where the request for location-permissions is triggered automatically (LVA-5339)
  • Updated some wording in the IntegrationAPI documentation
  • Fixed issue where created highlights were not cleared completely (LVA-5341)
  • Fixed issue where feature definition differs between getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap -> addGraphics -> getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap (LVA-5345)

Migration guidelines

Deprecated features

Known Issues