
Analysis interface


Read more detailed information in the referenced API documentation:

analyze API reference

Create a request using the geometries from the map:
  1. Choose the feature types (hold control button for multiple selection)
  2. Choose the operation
  3. Add geometries using the sketching tool (see an example here)
    • Alternatively you can insert your own geometry into the field

Select a feature

Resulting URL

Add geometries from map (use sketching tool first)


For the analysis functions, the geometries are passed to a REST interface via POST as ESRI-JSON.
In the following section, an overview of parameters will be presented.

Query parameter:

Parameter description mandatory
spatialtest The spatial operators are defined in such a way that the operations are mutually exclusive. A geometry can only ever satisfy one spatialtest. Possible values: intersect: Returns all features that are touched by the passed geometries. within: Returns all features in which the passed geometries are completely contained. nearestneighbour : Returns all features that are within a certain distance of the passed geometry (see maxdistancetoneighbour). (Number of returned features can be limited via parameter count). The features are returned in ascending order of distance from the given geometry. valuesatpoint : Returns the values at the given point (currently only applicable to analyse-se feature class hoehe_r). An overview of which featuretypes the different operations are applied to. mandatory
featuretypes Specifies which analysis object classes are to be taken into account for the analysis. If no analysis object classes are passed, all object classes offered via this rest endpoint will be taken into account. Since the current rest endpoint contains several analysis object classes, this parameter is mandatory. mandatory
count In combination with the operation (spatialtest) nearestneighbor the maximum number of returned objects can be specified here. Default: 100 optional
maxdistance-toneighbour In combination with the (spatialtest) nearestneighbor operation, the distance in meters at which neighboring objects are to be returned can be passed here. Default: 100 optional

Analyze options:

Analyze object classes operation with spatialtest usage
feature type geometry type intersect within nearestneighbor valuesatpoint
verw_land_f vector (polygon) analyzes federal states and neighbouring states
verw_kreis_f vector (polygon) analyzes the districts in Saxony
verw_gem_f vector (polygon) analyzes the municipalities in Saxony
kat_gemark_f vector (polygon) analyzes the districts in Saxony
kat_flurst_f vector (polygon) analyzes the parcels in Saxony
umw_wassersch_f vector (polygon) analyzes water protection areas in Saxony
umw_nat2000_f vector (polygon) analyzes Fauna-Flora-Habitat areas in Saxony
umw_nat2000_p vector (point) analyzes bat roosts in Saxony
umw_schutzgeb_f vector (polygon) analyzes nature reserves in Saxony
gesu_aspsz_f vector (polygon) analyzes exclusion zones due to findings of african swine fever
geol_hohlraumbas_f vector (polygon) analyzes cavities in Saxony (underground cavities that are subject to the scope of the Federal Mining Act, areas with mine workings under mining supervision)
geol_hohlraumuih_f vector (polygon) analyzes cavities in Saxony (areas where underground cavities are to be expected or known)
geol_identgebbge_f vector (polygon) analyses areas surveyed by the BGE in accordance with the StandAG, which are expected to have favourable geological conditions for the safe disposal of high-level radioactive waste
adressen_p vector (point) analyzes addresses in Saxony
hoehe_r raster Contains information on terrain elevation and surface elevation in Saxony

Thematic overview of available object classes (in German language):

Using the function as seen above, two approaches can be used.
  • Custom implementation via native fetch()
  • IntegrationAPI call

Be aware that you probably need a backend service for sending requests, otherwise you could run into CORS problems.
Custom implementation via native fetch()

    const url = "https://geodienste.sachsen.de/analyse_tu/guest?featuretypes=kat_flurst_f,kat_gemark_f=&spatialtest=within";
    const postParameter =

    const response = fetch(url,
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json',
                'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            method: "POST",
            body: JSON.stringify(postParameter)
        .then( (result) => {
            return result.json();
        .catch(err => {
            return err;

IntegrationAPI call

    function postEvent(functionName, detail) {
        const integrationElement = document.getElementById('mapIntegrationElement').contentWindow
            integrationElement.postMessage({functionName: functionName, detail: detail}, "*")
    const parameter = {
        url: "https://geodienste.sachsen.de/analyse_tu/guest?featuretypes=kat_flurst_f,kat_gemark_f=&spatialtest=within"
        query: [
        timeout: 15000

        (evt) => {
            const functionName = evt.data.functionName
            switch (functionName){
                case "analyze": {