
Tutorial - Get Graphics API


Add a sketch with a tool, located in the icon on the top left corner. Afterwards click the button to check the sketches.

Click on "setSketchUpdate" to receive a message every time, a sketch is being updated.

Have a look at the sketching example on this page, to see how to use the sketching tool.
Have a look at the Code example on this page, to see how to change the zoom animations.

To use the function as seen in the example, you have to open the toolbar.

and choose the selection tool.

Now you can choose between different sketching tools.

For Polygons: With a click you can start to set set Points. Use a double click to end the sequence of points.

To use the function as seen in the example, use following code:

    function postEvent(functionName, detail) {
        const integrationElement = document.getElementById('mapIntegrationElement').contentWindow
            integrationElement.postMessage({functionName: functionName, detail: detail}, "*")
    // zoom to the objects

    //zoom to the objects with custom settings
            animations: {
                animate: true,
                duration: 6000,
                easing: "ease"
            scale: 50000

    // Listen to the events
        (evt) => {
            if(evt.data.functionName === "getAllCreatedObjectsFromMap"){
            } else if (evt.data.functionName === "setSketchUpdate") {

To delete sketches, you can use following example:

    function postEvent(functionName, detail) {
        const integrationElement = document.getElementById('mapIntegrationElement').contentWindow
            integrationElement.postMessage({functionName: functionName, detail: detail}, "*")
    // delete multiple graphics
    const parameterArray = [1,2,3]
    postEvent("clearGraphics",{id: parameterArray, layerId: "sketch-graphics"})

    // delete single graphic
    const parameter = 4
    postEvent("clearGraphics", {id: parameter, layerId: "sketch-graphics"})

    // delete all graphics
    postEvent("clearAllGraphics",{layerId: "sketch-graphics"})