Overall information
The API documentation gives a detailed technical overview about the general functionalities offered by the GeoBAK Integration API. Therefore, the following use-cases are covered:
- Visualization of web maps based on integrated map services and its controlling of the visible extent
- Visualization of geoobjects (and transfer to/from an external application)
- Filtering of shown geoobjects based on a cluster layer
- Export of the shown/configured extent as a screenshot (png|jpeg)
The focus of this documentation is to provide a technical overview of how the GeoBAK integration works. In addition to the technical specification, interactive examples are provided, which act like a sandbox. Developers can try out the provided examples to get a general feeling of the functions. To conclude the documentation offers information about
- How the API technically works. The underlying concepts are described including a short deep dive in of the general implementation and approaches.
- How the mapviewer can be integrated in custom application. Two options are provided:
- The API specification itself including technical definitions and specifications for the provided functions as well as the params, which need to be used
- Additional tutorials and sandbox like implementation where developers can interactively try out the provided functions.
Challenges - App Versioning
In addition to the actual API documentation and tutorials, a short introduction is given, where the overall workflow of how to provide different app profiles for different environment. This is needed since 3rd Party Developers/Applications are always using the Geoviewer production environment, where typically no dev/test implementations are deployed.