
Tutorial - iframe Integration

General information

As already described in the General Information, two integration approaches can be used. Using the iframe approach, CORS related issues should not be a problem since any communication is realized using the window.postMessage mechanism. You do not need to care about sameOrigin or similar issues.

Technical information

By integrating the mapviewer within a standard iframe element, you only need to refer to an already existing mapviewer website implementation and set this URL to the iframe src attribute.

<iframe id="mapIntegrationElement" src="03_iframeIntegration.html" frameBorder="0" ></iframe>

If you would like to use a custom website implementation, simply follow the instructions provided in the corresponding DIV-integration Tutorial and set the resulting website-implementation as the iframe src attribute.

Technical demonstration

Find below the technical implementation. [//]: # (:warning: seems not to work in this md parser :/ )

Warning! The below website is referenced as an iframe, which in turn included another iframe definition. This is based on the overall developer documentation approach. Of course, in your implementation you only need the iframe implementation (cf. source)